We are once again offering a book discussion to review Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin. Join us on Sunday mornings @ 9:00 a.m. during the Equipping hour, starting September 15th. For those wishing to put these Bible Study skills into practice, we will follow up with six weeks of going through the book of Colossians. The Colossians study will be offered on Sunday mornings at 9 am (Oct. 13 – Nov. 17) and Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am (Oct. 16 – Nov. 20).
Please let us know you plan to attend by registering here and purchasing the book on Amazon (or wherever books are sold).
9/15: Intro-ch. 2 (pgs. 15-50)
9/22: Chs. 3-4 (pgs. 50-78)
9/29: Chs. 5-6 (pgs. 79-110)
10/6: Chs. 7-8, conclusion (pgs. 111-136, 157-163)
Email Karen Tayne at ktayne@mbbcirving.org with any questions.