Sermon Archives

Prayer: Heart Cry for Missions

Matthew 6:9-10
Prayer Sub Series
J. Josh Smith
September 22, 2013

Pastor Josh continues our series through the Sermon on the Mount, as we look at the first half the Lord’s Prayer. Remember, this prayer is not intended to merely be recited; it provides a model for our prayers and in the context of Matthew, it shows us how prayer flows from the heart. The first half of the Lord’s Prayer focuses on God (“your name,” “your kingdom,” “your will”). The second half focuses on us (“give us,” “forgive us,” “lead us”). This Sunday, we will look at verses 9-10 that focus on God, and we will see that prayer is a heart cry for missions. Prayer is an expression of our hearts that desire to see God’s name hallowed, His kingdom come, and His will be done throughout the world. Prepare for Sunday by meditating on the Lord’s Prayer. Pray that God will not only help you understand how to pray more faithfully, but also that He would give you a heart that longs to see His mission advanced around the world.

Mission, Prayer, Worship

8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
972 373 9833
Mon-Thurs: 8.00am - 5.00pm Closed Fridays