Sermon Archives

Spirit Fullness

Ephesians 5:18
MBBC Values
J. Josh Smith
March 16, 2014

This Sunday Pastor Josh continues his four-part sermon series on MBBC Values. We examine the second value of ‘Spirit Fullness’ from Ephesians 5:18. Remember, our church values define the type of people we want to be. We want to be a people full of the Spirit of God.

Last Sunday we discussed our first value of kingdom ambition, which is embracing Christ, His passions and pursuits, in every area of life. As soon as you resolve to embrace Christ’s passions and pursuits, you will immediately be met with a feeling of inadequacy. My passions and pursuits today are far from His. But feeling inadequate is not a bad place to be because it puts you in a posture to receive the power for the mission. The only way we will successfully embrace Christ’s passions and accomplish His pursuits is if we are full of His Spirit. It is one thing to get excited and ambitious about the kingdom; it is another thing to actually have the power and ability to advance the kingdom. This is where Spirit fullness comes in.

Holy Spirit, Kingdom

8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
972 373 9833
Mon-Thurs: 8.00am - 5.00pm Closed Fridays