Sermon Archives

The Place of Victory

Matthew 26:36-46
March Madness: The Road to Calvary
Robert Taylor
March 25, 2018

Every child of God wants power displayed in his or her public ministry, whether it is our ministry to our children, our spouse, in the church, the workplace, or the community. We want the power of God manifested in our lives. We often forget, however, this simple truth: Power comes through prayer. Battles—in the home, the church, the world, over sin and Satan—are won and lost in our persistence in prayer. Prayer is not preparation for the battle. Prayer is the battle. That prayer is the place of victory is seen in the life of Jesus Himself.

Prioritizing Prayer: Jesus made prayer a priority. How did Jesus spend his final hours before He would be betrayed? He prayed! Jesus consistently made prayer a priority in His life. We must not be a people who only pray in moments of desperation or transition; we must be a people who are committed to a lifestyle of prayer and communion with God.

Prayer Partners: Enlisting brothers and sisters in Christ to partner with us in prayer will strengthen our prayer lives. Jesus had three of His closest disciples partner with Him in prayer in Gethsemane. Who do you have in your life right now that knows specifically how to pray for you? Who are you praying for? Prayer is a community affair.

Power and Peace: Jesus’ prayer in the garden yielded two specific results: power and peace. He received the power He would need by the Holy Spirit to face the cross, and He received the peace to yield Himself to the Father’s will for His life. The call to follow Jesus is a call to die. It is not a call to avoid trials but rather is a call to endure great trials and tribulation. The power and peace to follow Christ into the hard places He leads us is found in prayer.

Power may be displayed publicly but it is developed privately through prayer. Do you need power and peace this week? Retreat to the place of victory, and meet with God in prayer.

Prayer, Victory

8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays